On Friday 05 November 2010 22:37:48 Robert Hailey wrote:
> A working implementation is visible here:
> https://github.com/Osndok/fred-staging/tree/depth-first-announcement
> With a simulator that shows that:
> (1) it doesn't break announcements,
> (2) it seeks the deepest nodes first (away from the seed node),
> (3) it gathers at most MAnnounceSender.MAX_ANNOUNCE_REPLIES (and in my  
> sim run, precisely that many)
> For some reason github won't let me issue a pull request at the moment.

I don't have time to review this code right now. However if you want "depth 
first announcement" accepted first you have to:
1) Show that we are rejecting nodes from announcement towards the end of the 
path, having accepted too many early on, and 
2) Produce a patch that accepts preferentially from the end; as far as I can 
see yours doesn't.

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