On 22/02/11 22:24, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> OK, so that's a starting point then! :) I informally proposed the inclusion
> of freenet into freedombox during this Sunday's FreedomBox Hackfest, but I
> didn't know my stuff well enough to defend why freenet should be included if
> Tor is already going on there pretty much for sure it seems. IMHO, it could

Tor and Freenet offer very different things. No offense, but if the people who
are organising/producing this do not know why, they are hugely incompetent and
nobody should use their product. This is basic research (e.g. see wikipedia)
and should not require evangelism for them to know about.

In brief:

Tor offers:
- anonymous low-latency communication, as long as the exit node is trustworthy

Freenet offers:
- free short-term encrypted private storage, long-term if the data is popular
- anonymous high-latency communication, as long as your peers are trustworthy

Tor has been better-studied in academic circles and therefore its anonymity
properties are therefore probably more reliable than Freenet.

I may well be missing things.


> therefore be useful if someone who does know the details would do one of the
> following:
> - send an email to the freedombox mailing list, explaining what benefits
> freenet adds for an end user, even if Tor is already present.
> - come to this Sunday's Hackfest, which will be held in the #freedombox IRC
> channel on irc.oftc.net, roughly euro afternoon / US morning. Register for
> working on goal #4 (safe anonymous publication,
> http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/goals/), install freenet on the Hackfest
> VM image, and participate in IRC discussion with whoever is there.
> - estimate or investigate to what extent freenet can run on a $99 plug
> server without using too much resources (people are saying this is embedded
> hardware, so software should be written in bare-metal C, not python or
> java).
> - come to said IRC channel at any other time of the week and bring up the
> issue.
> Cheers,
> Michiel
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Ximin Luo <infini...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> some corrections
>> On 22/02/11 21:49, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> TODO for custom debian package:
>>> - deploy contrib-legacy-27 (this is ready now, but needs testing)
>>> - execute [1] in fred/README.dev
>> - move to using the commons-compress API rather than the ant-tools API
>> - execute [2] in fred/README.dev, either at this stage or later
>>> - deploy contrib-master (v28)
>>> - execute [2] in fred/README.dev
>> --
>> GPG: 4096R/5FBBDBCE
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