On 09/10/2015 04:35 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 10. September 2015, 10:12:19 schrieb xor:
>> There was someone on IRC whose Freenet wasn't working because it was
>> build01217. He got that because our SF account still labels that as latest.
> That’s horrible. The user also checked the version on our site, and
> since it was 0.7.5, too, he or she used the SF link.

We disabled our SourceForge site 2014-08-30, and it used to be taken
down / not show up in search results. Looks like it's back up now?

nextgens - does SourceForge give any indication why they appear to have
reactivated Freenet's account?

There's a link on the page "As of 2015-06-14, this project may now be
found at https://freenetproject.org.";

> I think we should take this as a strong cue to at least release 0.7.6
> the next few months, and then increment the version number *at least*
> whenever there are changes which can cause older versions to no longer
> connect.

I was worried about
but it looks like we can change 0.7.5 to 0.7.6. For correctness we
should change the build number to 1 for the new version, but that
wouldn't be practical because the update key edition is tied to the
build number.

>> http://www.howtogeek.com/218764/warning-don%E2%80%99t-download-software-from-sourceforge-if-you-can-help-it/
> guh… desperately grabbing for money… ☹
>> - So when deleting the account, please first check whether there is some 
>> kind 
>> of opt-out thing to tell them "do not take control over the account".

We already tried deleting the account. My current understanding is they
have undeleted it.

> I think that’s infeasible: We’re a free software project. We cannot
> force people not to share our software. But we can ensure that this
> version-number confusion does not happen.

If nothing else they're being abusive if they don't maintain the page
and yet don't allow us to take it down. They're using the project's name
against our wishes to get ad revenue.

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