On 30/11/15 16:09, Bert Massop wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Michael Grube <michael.gr...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> This is true of everything that money can buy. Which is everything, with
>>> the possible (and slightly dubious) exception of social capital /
>>> friends. A big global friend-to-friend darknet is a good long term
>>> solution but the problem is how to get to that point.
>> Please, please PLEASE don't murder me for suggesting this, but what if we
>> used social media to bootstrap network connectivity?
> How is that different from Darknet?
There's a lot we can do to make it easier to connect to your friends on
darknet and make darknet more efficient. Advertising your connectivity
on Facebook may be part of that, subject to the whims of massive
corporations we have no influence over. I believe somebody wrote an app
a long time ago. However as I've explained there are a lot of other
barriers, notably politics (will take time to change) and the need to
run a node with reasonable uptime. IMHO it is reasonable to assume that
a connected global darknet is some way off: Most of our users don't know
anyone else who uses Freenet, and certainly don't know the 5 or so
friends they'd need for acceptable performance/security (even with
friend-of-a-friend connections).

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