Hey folks,

since it did pass examination by the university, hereby I provide you with my 
bachelor's thesis of computer science: https://git.io/vwioF
My past year's Freenet work of improving the core algorithm of WoT had been 
recycled into it.

Further, since the thesis aims to require no prior Freenet-related knowledge, 
it provides a pretty thorough explanation of how WoT works.
Thus, you may consider it as the WoT core developer's manual.

Besides getting to know how WoT works, it would be of scientific benefit for 
the project if you do read it:
The end of the thesis describes how the algorithm might be further improved by 
investigating what can be considered as a whole class of algorithms. I have 
not heard about such a class of algorithms being identified and named by 
science yet. But this might be merely due to lack of my knowledge.
So I hope that someone knows if this class of algorithms has already been 
discovered and analyzed by other people. This could help us a lot to further
improve WoT with algorithms which are specially crafted to be fast at this 
type of problem.

Feedback for improvement of the document is welcome:
Besides some layout changes (see [1]) the document is still identical to what 
I handed in at university.
Thus, it may contain many stupid mistakes caused by pre-deadline caffeine 

I can also provide printed copies, university wants something around 30 EUR 
for printing.

Greetings and thanks for reading!

[1] Changes since the original version 1.1 (Ian and Steve: this is the one I
had mailed to you):
- The main text body has not been changed, so you don't need to re-read it!
- The title page has been improved to contain the Freenet logo and provide a 
- The "declaration of $boring_legal_stuff_for_university" page has been 
- The LaTeX stuff which does line wrapping has been configured to allow 
wrapping URLs, which fixes a glitch in the layout of the bibliography.

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