Scott Young (scottyoung at wrote:

> Also, I have a lot of partitions.  Freenet is installed on my F drive,
> the temp directory is on my C drive, and I was saving the movie to my H
> drive.  One thing I noticed was that when the download was done, Mozilla
> was saving a copy of the file to the C drive before it finally
> transferred it to the H drive.  The download failed a few times before I
> figured out that my C drive was running out of space from the temp files
> and mozilla eating it all up.

We have the same problem here in Unix-land.  Every browser I've got
wants to save files into the /tmp directory before copying them to
their final destination.  I don't understand why.

Fortuantely, you can download splitfiles with freenet.client.cli.Main
instead of a web browser.  As a gratuitous and completely theoretical
example, one might run something like this:

CLASSPATH=~freenet/freenet.jar:~freenet/freenet-ext.jar java 
freenet.client.cli.Main --htl 25 --healingHtl 15 --blockHtl 20 --tempDir 
$PWD/tmp/ --healPercentage 10 --threads 10 get CHK at 

(Good luck running a command that long in DOS.  NT may be OK, I
don't know.  And if you omit the --tempDir parameter you'll be right
back where you started, because freenet.client.cli.Main wants to
use /tmp for the tempDir if you don't specify one.)

> I propose having the SplitFile UI request a path to save a file to
> before the download process begins, so that the web browser doesn't
> inefficiently download files to the wrong partition, [...]

I don't think there's anything you can say to the web browser to
convince it to behave differently in this regard.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |
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