On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 10:17:25PM -0500, Greg Wooledge spake thusly:
> We have the same problem here in Unix-land.  Every browser I've got
> wants to save files into the /tmp directory before copying them to
> their final destination.  I don't understand why.

This bugged me for a few days. Start a download, come back hours later to
find it had failed, restart, repeat a few times, finally look into the
real problem, discover /tmp was momentarily filling up and then the
browser deletes the file making it hard to discover the problem.  I solved
this problem by just enlarging /tmp. I highly recommend that everyone make
LVM a standard feature of their machines. Two commands and zero reboots or
unmounts later I had a bigger /tmp. It will suffice until people start
inserting 2G files into freenet.

> Fortuantely, you can download splitfiles with freenet.client.cli.Main
> instead of a web browser.  As a gratuitous and completely theoretical
> example, one might run something like this:

Very cool.

Tracy Reed      http://www.ultraviolet.org
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