Nick Tarleton (nickptar at wrote:

> Point raised by greycat on #freenet on OPN (btw, which server is mirrored by 
> #freenet-opn on IIP?): The error pages (the biggest offenders, but all 
> gateway pages really) require 62 connections for all the images! Could this 
> not be reduced greatly and save a LOT of loopback bandwidth and CPU time?

That was cut and pasted from a Freenet site that I read, who asked
that I not name the source ("so it doesn't get summarily dismissed").
In full:

  I Protest - Freenet's "Couldn't Retrieve Key" error page is ruining
  the use of Freesite Iframes for no good reason . Every time the
  "Couldn't Retrieve Key" appears there is 62 browser connections to
  Freenet, yes 62. One to bring up the page and 61 for a dazzling
  array of little graphics around tables... and people wonder why
  Freenet is so slooow. If a page has 5 empty Iframe NIM slots thats
  5slots x 62connections x 4+retries = over 1000 connections for
  what?. I'm sure whoever came up with the idea of tables with fancy
  little graphics on the edges for Freenet error pages had good
  intentions but please couldn't this be simplified to make Freenet
  more usefull and Freesites better? Below is an example of an error
  page that has 3 connections, one for the page, one for the rabbit
  and one for a spacer, I think it's pretty good, an error page like
  this would look fine and help freenet performance and Freesites
  immensly. Thank You and could some kind soul bring this up on the
  Developers list or IIP (hint, hint, Grey Cat, who has so tirelessly
  and patiently helped out Freenet users lo these many years, don't
  mention where it came from so it doesn't get summarily dismissed)

I think he's correct.  It's even more noticeable if you're browsing
Freenet over an ssh tunnel (say, from your browser at work to your
Freenet node at home).

The IIP-to-OPN mirror is done by a bot named "iip" running on Freenode
(formerly known as OPN).  A user named 'mids' runs the bot.  The main
round-robin for Freenode is

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |
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