On Tue, 13 May 2003, Toad wrote:

> On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 12:22:09PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > Nick Tarleton (nickptar at mindspring.com) wrote:
> > 
> > > Point raised by greycat on #freenet on OPN (btw, which server is mirrored 
> > > by 
> > > #freenet-opn on IIP?): The error pages (the biggest offenders, but all 
> > > gateway pages really) require 62 connections for all the images! Could 
> > > this 
> > > not be reduced greatly and save a LOT of loopback bandwidth and CPU time?
> > 
> > That was cut and pasted from a Freenet site that I read, who asked
> > that I not name the source ("so it doesn't get summarily dismissed").
> > In full:
> > 
> >   I Protest - Freenet's "Couldn't Retrieve Key" error page is ruining
> >   the use of Freesite Iframes for no good reason . Every time the
> >   "Couldn't Retrieve Key" appears there is 62 browser connections to
> >   Freenet, yes 62. One to bring up the page and 61 for a dazzling
> 62 is ridiculous. I very much doubt that there are 62 UNIQUE files being
> fetched. Maybe there is a problem with the headers not being
> sufficiently cache permissive?

When you say 62 is ridiculous, do you mean that it's ridiculous that the 
page would require that many connections to be obtained, or do you mean 
that 62 is more than should be needed, and that this person is doing 
something wrong?

Ridiculous which way?

I haven't measured exactly how much load the DNF page creates, but I have 
noticed that when I have multiple tabs open, all loading Freenet pages, 
and one of them DNFs, the DNF page will load very slowly.  The page will 
load, but each little block of the picture will take a while to show up.  
However, I like the look.  It's aesthetically pleasing.  Of course, 
"technically pleasing" counts as well.

If the error pages are changed, I suggest keeping Hops.  Strong branding 
is undoubtedly a good thing for Freenet at this time.

Would it be too much burden to externalize the error pages?  When fred 
issues a DNF, for example, fetch DNF.html from the hard drive.  RNFs fetch 

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