On Tuesday 13 May 2003 02:07 pm, Todd Walton wrote:
> Would it be too much burden to externalize the error pages?  When fred
> issues a DNF, for example, fetch DNF.html from the hard drive.  RNFs fetch
> RNF.html.
As has been pointed out, some people don't access their node from the same 
machine it runs on. Although, it may help to have these files separate 
instead of in the JAR. Speaking of which - does the gateway page support SSL? 
Or is an encrypted (ssh) tunnel the only way to securely remotely access a 
Freenet node?
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
        - Douglas Adams
Nick Tarleton - nickptar at mindspring.com - PGP key available

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