On 9/19/05, Yongqian Li <yongqli at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have noticed that the installers on the freenet website is seriously
> outdated. It is for Java 1.4, which is not only not the most current version
> but has shown to have serious security bugs (see
> http://www.internetnews.com/security/article.php/3439391). The installer
> that does not include a JVM forces me to download 1.4 despite the fact that
> I have 1.5. The one that does come with a JVM crashes on my Win XP computer.
> Will someone either upgrade the installers or inform me how I can upgrade
> them?
> Thanks.
I'm afraid the Windows installers have always suffered from neglect. 
I don't think anyone is currently assigned to maintain them.  You are
welcome to take a shot.  They can be found in the contrib\wininstall
CVS.  They are Nullsoft scripts.

This is what is in the readme:

How to build installers for "Freenet for Windows"
Any questions? mailto:dave at rebuzz.org

Tools required
1) NSIS, the free Nullsoft installer.
        You should use NSIS 2

2) UPX (for windows, even if you already have it for cygwin)

Make sure makensis.exe and upx.exe are in your %PATH%

Freenet software
The webinstaller does very little other than show a GUI while it
downloads the freenet
executables and .jar files and other bits and pieces from

So there are no additional files required to build the installer
(assuming you've already
checked out the whole wininstall project from CVS - if you have this
file, you probably did!)

Building the installer
Run build.bat from the Contrib/wininstall directory
It currently builds just freenet-webinstall.exe

Contact Matthew for CVS access.

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

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