It appears that the only working script in the directory is the
freenet-new.nsi script.  You will need to edit the build.bat file to
run that, or rename freenet-new.nsi to freenet.nsi

On 9/19/05, Juiceman <juiceman69 at> wrote:
> On 9/19/05, Yongqian Li <yongqli at> wrote:
> > I have noticed that the installers on the freenet website is seriously
> > outdated. It is for Java 1.4, which is not only not the most current version
> > but has shown to have serious security bugs (see
> > The installer
> > that does not include a JVM forces me to download 1.4 despite the fact that
> > I have 1.5. The one that does come with a JVM crashes on my Win XP computer.
> >
> > Will someone either upgrade the installers or inform me how I can upgrade
> > them?
> >
> > Thanks.
> I'm afraid the Windows installers have always suffered from neglect.
> I don't think anyone is currently assigned to maintain them.  You are
> welcome to take a shot.  They can be found in the contrib\wininstall
> CVS.  They are Nullsoft scripts.
> This is what is in the readme:
> How to build installers for "Freenet for Windows"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Any questions? mailto:dave at
> Tools required
> ==============
> 1) NSIS, the free Nullsoft installer.
>         You should use NSIS 2
> 2) UPX (for windows, even if you already have it for cygwin)
> Make sure makensis.exe and upx.exe are in your %PATH%
> Freenet software
> ================
> The webinstaller does very little other than show a GUI while it
> downloads the freenet
> executables and .jar files and other bits and pieces from
> So there are no additional files required to build the installer
> (assuming you've already
> checked out the whole wininstall project from CVS - if you have this
> file, you probably did!)
> Building the installer
> =====================
> Run build.bat from the Contrib/wininstall directory
> It currently builds just freenet-webinstall.exe
> Contact Matthew for CVS access.
> --
> I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
> death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

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