* bbackde at googlemail.com <bbackde at googlemail.com> [2007-04-14 11:27:50]:

> One more question: DDA makes most sense when I want to PUT (write)
> files from a read-only medium like a CD. But with the current TestDDA
> implementation I would not any longer be able to PUT files from a CD
> using DDA (because the client cannot write the file to the requested
> directory), true? I have to transfer all big files using DIRECT to the
> node...

Well, yes the node will refuse to read things if it can't write into
that directory; TestDDA architecture doesn't allow us to do otherwise.
The current behaviour sucks as well: imagine that the node and the
client aren't on the same computer ; the client asks /etc/passwd to be
inserted into freenet using DDA ... The node will accept it as it also
exists on his side but the content of the files is different.

In the long term we will ask the client to send us a salted hash of the
full content in ClientPuts so that we can ensure it has read access to
the file. Toad wants that the node chooses the salt and that it is not
predictable ... it involves using a challenge/response mechanism
=> more complexity won't be implemented "soon"

I am convinced we need the hash to be salted but I'm not convinced that
we have to randomize it on a per-request basis : We could send an
identifier in the NodeHello message and ensure it matches the salt.
@toad any problem with that approach ?

If there isn't any I might implement it soon.

> In this case the current TestDDA should never become mandatory.

The tradeoff is speed vs security in multi-user environments. When I say
"will become mandatory" you shall understand "will be the default
configuration of the node" ; In spite there is no plan to get rid of the
configuration setting yet, FCP client authors should assume that the
node won't let them proceed unless they do a TestDDA.

Well, I'll make it clear on the wiki. What I suggest is that you don't
send testDDA messages preemptively : ClientPut/Get requests with testdda
enabled are cheap to handle ... If the node is old it will work, if not
it will reply with a ProtocolError and then you have to do the TestDDA
proceedure... If it completes successfully you re-send the ClientPut/Get
with dda otherwise you use direct mode.

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