> On top of my head:
> - Cleaner code
> - Proper detection of FireFox location
> - profiles.ini watchdog thingy
> - Check if node is running before launching FF (and if not, start or
> inform user in a GUI message box) (and if needed, shutdown node
> afterwards as well)
> - If wanted, GUI warnings about missing daemon, FF or FF profile (we
> talked a bit about the possibility of nagging users without daemon enabled)

I also think we may have a problem getting the user past the "ok, its
up and running, now what?" stage.  We need to give the user a natural
path from installation to usage of Freenet, whether its surfing
FProxy, using one of the discussion tools, or creating their own

Anyone got any ideas?


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674

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