Am Dienstag 07 April 2009 10:28:30 schrieb Daniel Cheng:
> >> > > git tag -s <name> <commit> -m <message>
> > Can you also sign a revision without tagging it?
> No.
> In DVCS model, signing single revision does not make sense
>  -- since you will merge / rebase that revision as soon as it is merged.

I think it does make sense as long as you don't rewrite history. 

Every signed revision is a certified step on the way, but the signature is 
only relevant to automatic verification tools, not to users - except where a 
tag gets signed and the users want to be sure by whom the tag was created. 

Signed tags for each verified revision create quite much unnecessary noise. 

But since the decision is now set, that freenet will switch to git and lose 
history (ouch!), someone else will have to write the verification framework. 

Doing it in Mercurial is quite simple (I sketched one in my analog notebook 
while in on sunday), but I know far too little about git to try to do 
something similar there. 

Best wishes, 
-- Ein W?rfel System: - einfach saubere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.
-- Infinite Hands: - singing a part of the 
history of free software.
-- My stuff: - stories, songs, poems, programs and stuff :)

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