Its great that you are working on this, but I don't think its at the
standard where it should replace our existing website yet.  A few comments:
The main text on the front page is left and right justified, but this
creates lots of weird inter-word spacing.  It should just be left-justified.

The typeface is too big, and it probably needs more spacing between the text
and the screenshot and download button.

We probably need to make the download button about 30% smaller.

The "Latest News" section shouldn't be bold.

The box that appears on the rollovers for the menu across the top looks
wrong - the alignment is about 2 pixels too low in Safari 4.

The "Select your language" looks a bit strange too.

Might I suggest that you upload this somewhere people can check it out in
their web browsers (rather than having to download and view the file
locally)?  This would make it much easier to get wider feedback from people
(I know a few great designers who should be able to give you great


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Cl?ment <cvollet at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I imported all the pages to the new design.
> There are some bugs I think, but well, it's a good start.
> Afaik, currently the menus are handled by php, so it will be easier to
> change
> it (some menu items are wrong, but I don't want to pass 20 min to change
> them
> in all pages one by one). The link to change the language are sometimes
> wrong
> too (but well, they're just here to see how they'll look once we actually
> have
> translations (as an example I translated the homepage in french)).
> Anyway, here it is :
> (I prefer a link than attaching it, since I'm not sure about the size
> limit)
> I think it's ready to put it as the official website, but even if I tried
> to do
> it right, I can't garantee there aren't any bug (well, I can garantee there
> are bugs...).
> And we can't just import the css and change some things : I changed the
> html
> too, because some things were wrong (<p> with no </p>, <br> instead of
> <br/>
> (I'm not sure it's necessary though), <P> instead of <p>, ...). I think
> almost
> all pages are valid xhtml 1.0 now.
> Of course, if you have any suggestion, don't hesitate. If someone find bug,
> please tell.
> And last thing : if you have skills in css, and want to change something,
> please do :)
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Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
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Ph: +1 512 422 3588
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