* Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> [2009-05-26 00:56:22]:

> On one prior occasion (this year), we have authorised a mailing list archive 
> site to remove messages posted by somebody. I have now had another mail 
> asking for us to remove somebody's name from two archives which we don't run 
> - which generally requires him asking them and getting authorisation from us 
> - and from our own archives.
> If this is to be a regular occurrence, we need to formulate some policy, and 
> IMHO the best way to do this is to discuss it here. Does anyone have an 
> opinion on this? I doubt very much that we have any legal obligation to 
> remove somebody's posts, especially as at least one of the other archive 
> sites will only remove messages with our say so, but I guess we could get 
> legal advice on it... Any opinions on the principle? IMHO rewriting history 
> to make yourself look good to employers is dubious, but at the same time we 
> clearly don't want to pick fights and unnecessarily annoy people.

Reply using a carefully crafted template telling them to fuck off.
There is no way to do it "properly" anyway. People are responsible for
what they are posting on the lists, full stop. We don't prevent the
usage of nicks nor aliases here...Internet != Freenet, if they didn't
gather that yet there isn't much we can do for them anyway.

If we really wanted (and on our side only) that would be a *major* job to
reconstruct mailing list archives... We have indexed history up to 1997 now! 

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