On 2010/10/28 (Oct), at 10:03 AM, Samu Voutilainen wrote:

> On Thursday 28 October 2010 16:05:58 Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> On Thursday 28 October 2010 13:21:36 Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>> It would simplify the build process and enable us to use new  
>>> language features if we moved to Java 1.6. The problem is:
>>> 1) Mac OS/X 10.4 only has Java 5. As I understand it you have to  
>>> pay for upgrades, and they are disruptive, so most people don't?
>>> 2) It would slightly increase the difficulty of getting Freenet  
>>> working on free JVMs.
>> 3) Some users with older installs may still have Java 1.5. How many  
>> is uncertain - on Windows they should have been told to upgrade by  
>> the auto-updater, shouldn't they? Most linuxes have java 6 now but  
>> some might still be using 5?
>>> Is it worth doing it anyway? How many people run OS/X 10.4 nowadays?
> I?ll answer from my point of view, and not trying to estimate  
> freeneet users...
> No-one uses Java 1.5 anymore.

I suppose I can call myself "no-one" now...

I use java-5, I use freenet, and I could foresee it disturbing my  
ability to contribute code. What benefit does compiling against java-6  
have anyway?

> On Mac OS X, 10.4 is just old, and active OSX users will upgrade  
> they?ll computers to get new operating systems.

At the least OS X 10.5 has java-5 as the default vm, so it might cause  
a disruption to anyone on a PPC who is "stuck" at 10.5

Robert Hailey

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