On Monday 29 Aug 2011 18:37:39 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Saturday 27 Aug 2011 21:35:58 Ian Clarke wrote:
> > Matthew,
> > 
> > This makes sense from the perspective of making incremental changes, but I
> > think we need to be more drastic than that.  I think we need to go back to
> > the drawing board with load management.  We need to find a solution that is
> > simple enough to reason about, and to debug if we have problems with it.
> > 
> > The entire approach of coming up with hypotheses about what is wrong,
> > building a solution based on these hypotheses (without actually confirming
> > that the hypotheses are accurate) and deploying it is deja vu, we've been
> > doing it for a decade, and we still haven't got load management right.
> >  We're just layering more complexity onto a system that we already don't
> > understand, based on guesses as to what the problems were with the previous
> > iteration that we can't test because the system is too complicated with too
> > many interactions for anyone to get their heads around it.
> That is because we do not have the time or funding to empirically test 
> hypotheses. We don't gather enough data, we don't have a huge testnet to try 
> stuff on over extended periods, and so on. Most software development has 
> deadlines and resource limitations, but most software development doesn't 
> NEED to be empirical, at least not very often! See my other mail about this.
> > 
> > If something isn't working, and we don't understand for definite what is
> > wrong with it, then we shouldn't build more on top of it in the hope that
> > we'll accidentally solve the problem, we should replace it with something
> > simple enough that we do understand it, right?
> > 
> > The purpose of load management is relatively simple: *Don't allow clients to
> > pump more requests into the network than the network can handle, while
> > ensuring that this workload is distributed across the network in a
> > reasonably efficient manner.  This must be done in a decentralized way that
> > is not vulnerable to abuse.*
> > *
> > The current load management system includes many different interacting
> > components that make it nearly impossible to understand or debug.  I think
> > we need to go back to the drawing board with load management, starting from
> > the goal I cite above.
> > 
> > I would invite people to suggest the simplest possible load management
> > schemes that might work, let's then discuss them, and figure out which is
> > most likely to work, and if it doesn't work, which will be easiest to debug.
> > 
> > We can bear in mind a few lesson's we've learned though.  What
> > characteristics should our load balancing system have?
> > 
> >    - Dropping requests should be extremely rare because this
> >    just exacerbates overloading
> >    - Delaying requests should also be extremely rare for the same reason
> >    - Misrouting requests should be limited, but perhaps acceptable
> >    occasionally, for the same reason
> Misrouting is unacceptable, in general. Extremely overloaded or extremely low 
> capacity nodes may be routed around. We might even allow some bounded amount 
> of misrouting in the more general case (e.g. go to either of the top two 
> peers for the key). But in general, transforming load into misrouting (or 
> into reduced HTL, or any other bogus escape valve) is a bad idea. We need to 
> reduce the incoming load.
> > 
> > It therefore really comes down to nodes anticipating whether the network is
> > in danger of having to drop, delay, or misroute requests, and reduce the
> > rate at which they are pumping requests into the network if this danger
> > point is reached.
> > 
> > So how do nodes inform each-other that they are at risk of having to drop,
> > delay, or misroute requests?  There are two reasons this might happen.
> >  Either a node itself is close to its own capacity for relaying requests, or
> > the other nodes it relays to are themselves at or close to capacity.
> > 
> > One problem I'm concerned about when nodes share information about how
> > overloaded their peers are is a "gridlock":
> > 
> > What if all nodes told other nodes that they were overloaded because all
> > their peers are overloaded.  Such a situation would basically cause the
> > entire network to think it was overloaded, even though nobody actually was!
> >  It becomes a bit like this cartoon: http://flic.kr/p/5npfm2  How can this
> > be avoided?
> Exactly. There are two possible approaches:
> 1. Nodes control the rate at which *local* requests are initiated, based on 
> how many slow-down signals they get.
> (This ensures that such gridlock or feedback loop problems can't happen)
> The main problems are security:
> - Deliberate flooding: Malicious nodes not following AIMD's, in order to clog 
> up the network.
> Fair sharing can limit this. Limiting backoff so that we only misroute when 
> nodes are severely overloaded can also help. We could queue (provided this 
> happens only rarely and briefly), allow bounded misrouting (e.g. route to one 
> of the top two routes), or terminate requests (thus freeing up resources).
> - Opportunistic flooding: Users hack their nodes to not follow AIMD's because 
> it speeds up their downloads.
> This is harder than solving deliberate flooding but also less urgent. Fair 
> sharing helps, but the slow-down signals, or rejections/terminations, may be 
> generated a long way away from the originator. In which case, they are only 
> proportionately affected, meaning it's still beneficial for them to flood. It 
> may be that this isn't resolvable and we'll have to continue to rely on a 
> certain amount of altruism; ask people to not use the Fr33n3t L33t L34ch 
> Cl13nt cos it slows things down for everyone else, should this arise.
> - Local privacy: We can maybe identify which requests are local based on 
> timings.
> This is somewhat speculative; while it is probably exploitable, there are 
> much easier attacks if you are directly connected to the target.
> - Remote privacy: We can maybe correlate different bundles of requests based 
> on timings.
> This is speculative, but it could be solved by using separate AIMD's for 
> separate unconnected bundles of requests (we will need some sort of 
> tagging/grouping mechanism like this when we have tunnels anyway).
> 2. Nodes control the rate at which remote requests are initiated too, 
> propagating information on the capacity of the network. For instance, they 
> could estimate the capacity of the network and generate slow-down signals 
> when incoming requests are over that capacity (and eventually terminate 
> requests); this is self-feeding because their estimate of capacity depends on 
> *incoming* slow-down messages!
> The main problem with this is that feedback between nodes could well result 
> in the estimated capacity collapsing to zero or whatever the minimum is. It 
> is probably possible to surmount that but would certainly require a great 
> deal of theoretical (simulation) work.
> We can reuse existing code to a significant degree:
> - RejectedOverload should be split up. It already represents a slow-down 
> message (provided local=false). It should also indicate whether this is due 
> to an actual rejection or to using more than expected resources.
> - The easiest way to implement #1 is with AIMD's. We can keep them, but send 
> slow-down messages earlier.
> - We could keep NLM, i.e. queue for limited times to smooth out delays. 
> Currently we RNF after a (longish) period waiting for a node to route to. We 
> would send a slow-down message when we have queued for more than a certain 
> period.  This means we can have a fixed, limited amount of misrouting, we can 
> keep NLM's clear benefits for routing accuracy (as visible in success rates), 
> and we can ensure that the input load is low enough to avoid severe slowdown 
> due to queueing for a long time.

To be clear, the benefits of keeping NLM/queueing are that incoming request 
timings are often not precisely matched with the availability of outgoing 
slots. However it is essential that the load be propagated back to the 
originators AS WELL, so that queueing times are kept very low on average.

(Culmination of a long conversation where ArneBab was arguing I shouldn't give 
up on NLM, see logs)
[18:37:55] <toad_> ArneBab: i think we might be able to keep NLM
[18:38:32] <toad_> mainly using queueing as a way to smooth out the fact that 
the inter-request interval is quite long, so there's a good chance there isn't 
a free slot immediately when a request arrives
[18:38:50] <toad_> ArneBab: we will need to combine it with some sort of 
early-slow-down-signal mechanism though
[18:38:55] <toad_> ArneBab: see my latest reply to ian on devl
[18:39:17] <ArneBab> yes
[18:39:33] <toad_> okay, so we are on roughly the same page
[18:40:34] <ArneBab> jupp
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