On Dec 26, 2011, at 10:32 PM, Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 4:15 AM, Daxter <xovatdev at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Definitely seems that we need to decentralize this in the short term,
>>> is anyone willing to take on these roles?
>> I've wanted to help out for a long time, and I might as well start now. I 
>> have no dev experience with Freenet so I wouldn't be the right person for a 
>> number of those jobs, but surely there's something I could take on. At any 
>> rate, just wanted to say that I'm willing to help.
> Thanks Daxter!  So what can you do? :-)

I can? learn how to do things? I only have a classroom-level understanding of 
Java at this point, so there's certainly a lot for me to relearn if I'm to 
contribute to the codebase. As for real experience, I've worked both on Ruby on 
Rails and PHP web applications, as well as their database backends.

The biggest barrier to entry is the (AFAIK) lack of any updated guide of how to 
get involved, as well as how everything's currently set up. I didn't want to 
bother people with "noob" questions, so I've been lurking instead.

One thing I personally would like to do is provide a Mac-style install bundle 
for OSX users, so that the install process looks more professional from the 
perspective of a Mac user. Once the bundle itself is set up, it should be very 
easy to script any changes to the installer for future updates.

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