On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Juiceman <juiceman69 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
>> We need more seednodes. I will explain the broader situation below. If you 
>> can run a seednode - which means you need a forwarded port, a reasonably 
>> static IP address (or dyndns name), and a reasonable amount of bandwidth 
>> (especially upstream), and a reasonably stable node, please send me your 
>> opennet noderef (from the strangers page in advanced mode), and enable "Be a 
>> seednode" in the advanced config. Thanks.
>> Details:
>> One of the problems Freenet has at the moment is that bootstrapping a new 
>> node can take an awfully long time - 20 minutes or more sometimes. It is not 
>> clear why; we seem to either get rejected by seednodes (most of the time), 
>> or they return nothing, maybe a few "not wanted" notices, or they return 
>> lots of noderefs and we manage to announce.
>> This might be due to bugs. 1343 fixed a bug that apparently badly affected 
>> some seednodes. However it appears most seednodes have upgraded now.
>> There doesn't seem to be a problem with losing connections - backoff yes but 
>> once a node is connected it seems to mostly stay connected.
>> The most likely answer seems to be that we just don't have enough seednodes 
>> to cope with the load.
>> It is also possible that this is due to an attack. It did come on relatively 
>> suddenly a few weeks ago (it was bad before but it got much worse), and it 
>> seems to have got significantly worse in the last week. It is not clear how 
>> we would identify an attack if that was the problem; there are no obvious 
>> signs so far.
>> It is also possible it is a client-side bug. Testing of the master branch 
>> would be useful, it has some small changes.
> Errors in my log (build 1344)

Also nodestats have been horrible on my seednode for last week or two.
 I am noticing node ping times in the 1500 - 3500 ms range.  Mostly
during daytime hours here (GMT -5).  Not sure if ATT Uverse has
quietly started throttling p2p (they say they don't), or if it is an
attack or bug.  Seeding for 206 is typical and didn't kill my node in
the past.  Let me know what logger settings to set and I can send you
my logs if you want.

Peer statistics

    * Connected: 15
    * Backed off: 3
    * Too old: 67
    * Disconnected: 13
    * Never connected: 5
    * Clock Problem: 1
    * Seeding for: 206
    * Max peers: 36
    * Max strangers: 36


    * Input Rate: 48.2 KiB/s (of 1.0 MiB/s)
    * Output Rate: 31.6 KiB/s (of 105 KiB/s)
    * Session Total Input: 49.2 MiB (43.7 KiB/s average)
    * Session Total Output: 35.7 MiB (31.7 KiB/s average)
    * Payload Output: 214 KiB (190 B/sec)(0%)

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