On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> [quote author="ancarda at 
> PPXKgWN178fXdV3X3jMq8tqxIKIbP8PYK6BELBFuYTw.freetalk" 
> message="acd6c72e-1d35-4dd9-ad9c-10eaa402d06a at 
> Ok I threw this together in PowerPoint, it's a PDF though so it should work 
> regardless of any platform. I am not inserting this to FreeNet it will take 
> way too long.
> http://www.freefilehosting.net/freenet
> That's just my first idea of what the UI could be like. The settings are more 
> basic however (I didn't add this in) there would always be an advanced 
> option, like where you can tweak everything.

Have you already decided how to realize the UI ? is it gonna be an
extension/rebuilding of HTML nodes or a completely new approach?

> [/quote]
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