These look good, although of course it will be critically important that we
get the text right, since it's essential that people understand what risks
they are taking.

I think it's ok to just support reasonably recent versions of Internet
Explorer, even Google doesn't support IE7.

I personally think it is fine to require JavaScript be enabled, but I know
that others disagree.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 10:21 AM, irfan mir <theirf at> wrote:

> Hello, I am Irfan? a friend of Steve Dougherty and he had asked me to
> further
> design his idea for Freenet's security setup. One can view his idea here:
> In this email I will reiterate Steve's idea and add screenshots of my
> design of
> this security setup idea.
> As seen here, this is what the setup will look like in the beginning:
> As you can see, there is a main container with the title "Security Setup"
> which contains a list with security options. Each option has, to the left
> of
> the text, a toggle-switch to turn it on, and a rightward pointing arrow.
> On click of the right-ward pointing arrow, a description of that option
> will appear, but more on that later.
> This is what the setup will look like when an arrow is clicked:
> As you can see, when an arrow next to an option is clicked, it
> turns downward as a pane, that contains a description, slides down
> from underneath the option's label. Clicking the arrow again causes
> the description to slide up and the arrow to turn rightward again
> (as seen in the first screenshot).
> Here is what the setup will look like when a toggle switch is clicked.
> Now, the html behind the toggle-switches will be radio-buttons. This
> way only one toggle-switch can be turned on / one security option can
> be turned on at a time.
> When a toggle-switch is clicked / radio-button is selected, if not already
> expanded the description of that security option slides down and
> the arrow turns downward. This is good because is allows the
> interface to demonstrate the functionality of the arrows when clicked
> in addition to a mouseover providing hints.
> Secondly, the other security options fade-out of the way. They can
> and will return when the toggle-switch is clicked again or turned off.
> Thirdly, another pane slides out from underneath the options. This
> contains the necessary settings for that option and a submit-button
> at the bottom. Each setting has an input to the right of the setting's
> label / name. To the left of the label / name is an arrow which provides
> an explanation / a description for that setting like the arrows of each
> security option did when clicked.
> The done button would complete the setup.
> Javascript and jQuery are already going to be implemented to style the
> radio-buttons (toggle-switches) on clicked, as there isn't a well
> supported way to do this in css, and preform the sliding and fading
> effects.
> We can also use JS and HTML5 to do useful things like keeping
> the form valid but turning valid values green and in-valid one's red.
> Its actually a better UX (User-Experience) to keep valid values the
> way they are and turning in-valid ones red.
> Although challenging, this seems like something I would be willing to
> develop as well. However, before I begin doing so, I would like to know
> the answer to 2 questions.
> Would the freenet-devs prefer there to be support for when scripts /
> javascript is disabled or turned off?
> An idea to handling this is directing the user to the current setup if
> so.
> And secondly, to what IE would the freenet-devs want this to be
> supported?
> Meaning should something as low as IE6 support it
> or is 9 and above fine. In my opinion, it would be easiest and
> best if we build the setup to be supported in IE9 and above and
> other modern-browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera).
> And then later-on make additions for support in IE8 and below
> when possible.
> Thoughts?
> I appreciate and welcome any and all feedback.
> Thanks in Advance & Best Regards,
> Irfan.
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Ian Clarke
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