Am Mittwoch, 7. M?rz 2012, 15:29:45 schrieb Ian Clarke:
> > So what is the experience of new users? Install freenet, see automaticly
> > shipped wot+freetalk, try them, see their issues, maybe browse some
> > sites and uninstall freenet again, since things either do rarely work or
> > there is no content. A cool web-UI wont change those points, so from my
> > perspective, a different interface may be nice, but it wont solve the
> > bigger issues with freenet.
> So again, you think that just because a new UI won't solve every problem
> with Freenet, then we shouldn't do it?  That's completely illogical.

If it creates more problems than it solves, it is a problem.

Not being able to use freenet without Javascript would be a problem. Dillo has 
no Javascript support. Neither have w3m, lynx, and a whole bunch of other low-
profile browsers. Mainly used by geeky people - who are a natural target 
audience for freenet.

I don?t mind a good Javascript UI. But Sone was actually the first really 
useful example for that which I ever saw. Yahoo is a really good counter-
example: they even reimplemented tabs in Javascript?

Javascript has to be complementary, though: The UI has to work without it. And 
it can. After all, a reload of a local page is blazingly fast (when there are 
no other bottlenecks).

Also there are many points on the UI side which could be improved that don?t 
need JS. Better download-queue, integrated WoT and Sone (well, that benefits 
from JS), and so on.

On the other hand, drag-and-drop uploading with image previews and all that is 
quite a usability booster. So I am not against JS (anymore). I am just against 
requiring it.

Best wishes,

Unpolitisch sein
hei?t politisch sein, 
ohne es zu merken. 
- Arne (

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