On 2013/07/22 (Jul), at 2:22 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

> One problem with the yubikey thing is it takes time to deliver them.

Depending upon the expected use case and average psychology (patience), that 
might be the only critical issue... and yet, it would be an issue with *any* 
hardware solution.

As I noted in the other thread, it might be possible to ameliorate this if one 
could join the darknet by conveyance, or if the node operated as a leaf (or 
limited performance / outer-network). In either case, they could get the 
yubikey later.

> Hence the need to be able to just buy an invite e.g. with BTC.

That sounds simple, but how much work (both for you once & for the onboarding 
user) does that require?!

AFAICS, this is a rock-paper-scissors situation.
* If we use direct paypal, the paranoid will avoid it like the plague (paypal 
* If we use BTC, the technically challenged will get lost in trying signing up 
for new accounts, funding them, installing software, setting up the 
transaction, and sending the coins
* If we use vanilla yubikeys, the impatient will eschew the whole process by a 
wide birth, and the project doesn't get the funding.
* If we use custom-programmed yubikeys, we need more infrastructure & processes 
than might be practical [and we still lose the impatient crowd]

... and if we do nothing, there is no way to call opennet reasonably secure.

... and if we implement more than one of the above, we'll probably make toad go 
crazy by reduplication of effort.

Is there any winning?

Robert Hailey

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