On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:36:34PM +0100, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > Basically the security model is now an attacker has to outspend the
> > defenders in terms of Bitcoins sacrificed. Not perfect, but it may be of
> > value, especially in conjunction with other protections. They do have
> > potential anonymity issues, but we're talking about opennet where the
> > attacker knows your IP address anyway. There's also a varient of
> > proof-of-sacrifice where you prove you attempted to create Bitcoins, a
> > proof that has no linkage to any other Bitcoin transaction.
> AFAICS this is a slightly more complex form of "pay to join", with the 
> dubious advantage that nobody gets the money. In theory this might help 
> people to not think we're scammers (although transient mode is more important 
> to that end) ... but by the time you've explained it, you've lost them 
> anyway, so I doubt it's worth the additional complexity.

Well any decentralized attempt to limit sybil attacks and other attacks
via some kind of limited resource ultimately boils down to "pay to
join", the question is what are you paying and how likely are honest
users to already have what they need to pay?

> It's likely that for the foreseeable future, any attempt to charge an entry 
> fee will result in losing a lot of nodes... (Not existing nodes, but 
> potential nodes).

Social issues are a real concern - we have this same problem in Bitcoin
with SPV nodes, like a light-weight smartphone wallet, that aren't
contributing back to the network but are consuming resources. How do you
distinguish between a botnet pretending to be tens of thousands of smart
phones and tens of thousands of real ones? People are allergic to any
kind of fee...

Another option you might want to consider is proof-of-work. In some ways
it's not as effective, because like I said before often the actual cost
to attackers is less, but the social dimensions may be more effective.
What are your thoughts there? The proof-of-work could easily be
something that is gradually phased out and replaced by
proof-of-useful-work as the opennet peer responds to more and more
requests, doing useful work.


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