What I will be doing now is create a Map class that can hold configuration
properties. If these properties are filled then that data will be used
while generating the map else some default configuration will be used.
Maybe I will make a separate object for default configuration of the map?

Then once I am able to generate a map with the map class I will add a query
based property to the map which will hold the query to what the map will
have. A macro (maybe some other option?) will be made to handle the data
gotten from the query. As we are focusing on a Point for now, I will make
the macro so that if a Point object is queried, I will get all the
properties of that particular point and add it to the map.
For now I will only be querying objects on the same page to reduce
complexity at an early stage.

Is this a good approach for now or am I in the wrong direction?

I really think we should have a detailed video conference since that will
get us all on the same page and will take minimum time.


On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 8:30 PM Fawad Ali <m.fawaadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Stéphane,
> I will start off by learning Solr Search Query API and see how I can use
> it in this application.
> One major concern is how we will be creating our maps. I introduced the
> idea of a map editor but now it seems that we will be using queries to
> generate our maps. What I have in mind after this is that the user will
> create an object of Map class and then associate a query with it but I
> don't know how we will get the relevant data for the map. For example if we
> want a point on the map, how would we identify that we need that point. Do
> we have all the relevant objects on a single page and then get all of them
> from that page to display those features on the map?
> Can you give a reference to an application that is similar in structure to
> what we are striving for in this application? I can't help but feel like
> this will lead to something of a "Map Service" rather than a "Map
> Application". Sorry about all this confusion.
> Maybe we can have a recorded video/audio conference as that will save us a
> lot of time discussing these things. WDYT?
> Best,
> Fawad
> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 7:44 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauri...@xwiki.com>
> wrote:
>> Fawad,
>> Thanks for your feedback.
>> Regarding the data model:
>> - Map: we clearly need a Map class :-). As discussed, it will hold the
>> map configuration, and possible links to sub-configurations (such as the
>> visual theme, to be discussed). Primarily, the map needs data, so it needs
>> a field for storing a query that will make it possible to retrieve data.
>> You certainly already found the Solr Query API documentation below, I
>> suggest you give it a try and read the basic query principles, then we can
>> set up dedicated examples together on real data in the next days. This
>> brings us to the question of real data. We will quickly need sample data to
>> work with, I think, I'm investigating how to download GeoJSON data from
>> OpenStreetMap, which itself contains links to Wikidata or Wikipedia, this
>> would allow us to grab some content and even images and to have a good
>> sample data set to work with. I'll keep you posted about that.
>> https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Solr%20Search%20Query%20API
>> In parallel, you could start thinking about the design and implementation
>> of the query endpoint that will return GeoJSON. Looking a bit into the code
>> of "Main.SolrSearchMacros" could be useful I would say, I'll think about it
>> as well.
>> - Spatial entities : Point, Shape, Path, ...: I agree with you having one
>> XClass for each is probably the way to go, but I would suggest we start
>> just with "Point" and postpone the decision to a bit later if you agree,
>> just to make sure we don't make wrong assumptions and introduce too much
>> complexity (probably not, but to be discussed). Even the "icon" property
>> might be too early at this stage imho, because in real world scenarios I
>> believe it's more important to provide the ability to associate icons to
>> facets key/value pairs than to individual items. It may be useful in the
>> future, but we'll see, I would say.
>> - Content: considering using content ids, or XPaths or XWiki DOM (XDOM)
>> queries could be quite powerful. We don't want the users to maintain
>> manually popup content, while they already have the burden to maintain the
>> main content itself. Using content ids / queries would avoid duplicating
>> content. This shares some concern with the Page Preview application, see
>> links below. I don't have a clear answer yet, we need to discuss a bit
>> further. But we could start with the first page paragraph for instance.
>> https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/Page%20Preview%20Application
>>   https://xwiki.markmail.org/message/zhbaw7m3rsnbm26m?q=preview
>>   https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-page-preview
>> I'll be off in the next couple of hours but I'll provide more feedback as
>> soon as possible.
>> Cheers
>> Stéphane
>> Fawad Ali:
>> > Hi Stéphane and Ecaterina,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the update to the design page. It feels much more detailed
>> now imo. However it has left me confused with all the details. I was
>> focused on a more straightforward approach but we need to be more detailed
>> as I see it.
>> >
>> > I would like to know how I should move forward with what I have already
>> done. Considering the kind of structure Stephane suggests for the
>> application, we will have to redo it completely because I do not think what
>> I did so far is suitable for such requirements.
>> >
>> > Let me first discuss the data model since that will be the basis of the
>> application.
>> > We have the main entities as Map, Point, Shape, Path and Content. I
>> think it's better if we have an XClass for each of them with properties
>> that will highlight the available configurations for the entities. For
>> example, for the Point class, we can have properties icon, location,
>> content (may be an id from a content class object?).
>> >
>> > Also, I am not much familiar with Solr or any of the query languages in
>> XWiki since I was not going in that direction. I did try to look into Solr
>> quite a bit but it would help me a lot if you could provide me an example.
>> >
>> > And direction on how I move from here on out would also help a lot.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Fawad
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 6:14 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauri...@xwiki.com
>> <mailto:slauri...@xwiki.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     Hi Caty, Fawad, all,
>> >
>> >
>> >     [...]
>> >
>> >      > * I've read again the GSOC project description. The main purpose
>> of the
>> >      > application is to allow multiple people to create POIs and other
>> shapes on
>> >      > the Maps. There is a note that the POIs will have additional
>> information
>> >      > about the location.
>> >      > Some questions:
>> >      > ** can a POI be displayed in multiple Maps? For example: if we
>> someone
>> >      > creates a 'Centre Pompidou' POI in a page, where adds
>> information about the
>> >      > place, images, etc. Should we be able to display this POI in
>> multiple maps
>> >      > (one that contains museums, while others contain modern
>> architecture)?
>> >
>> >     I would say it's important that a point of interest or any other
>> entity can be present in multiple maps indeed. A map is defined in
>> particular by a query imho – I would suggest a Solr query as argued on the
>> design page,  what do you think? – which returns a set of elements. Then
>> the user can refine this set at will using full-text search, facets or
>> spatial search.
>> >
>> >      > ** in any case, the POI storage could be done in objects or in
>> individual
>> >      > pages. We need to think about performance too. Pages will lots
>> of objects
>> >      > can have performance issues, so storing as pages (that will
>> contain objects
>> >      > for POI type) might be better?
>> >
>> >     Ideally that'd be great to support both options I would say.
>> >
>> >     In terms of priority I would go for one object per page to start
>> with. Typically, in the encyclopedia use case defined in the design page,
>> having one object attached to each target page would be very convenient
>> imho: it would ease the maintenance of information, both textual and
>> geographical, related to each page.
>> >
>> >     Supporting multiple objects per page could be quite useful as well.
>> Imagine for instance that we want to represent the "Battle of the Somme" on
>> a map. The content itself may refer to multiple locations (as on the
>> Wikipedia article below and its static image map representation), so it
>> could be handy to let the user input all these locations (points, areas,
>> lines...) as objects attached to the "Battle of the Somme" page itself
>> without the need to create individual pages for each location. There is no
>> reason to hit a very large number of objects in this scenario though. What
>> do you think?
>> >
>> >     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Somme
>> >
>> >      > * Maps will also be pages, containing configuration (custom
>> backgrounds),
>> >      > etc.
>> >
>> >     Indeed, a map page will consist of a map configuration imho. We
>> need to define what is needed to configure a map, beside the query. The
>> visual configuration is important as well and can be possibly complex, and
>> other options could arise...
>> >
>> >     Stéphane
>> >
>> >
>> >     --
>> >     Stéphane Laurière
>> >     XWiki – https://xwiki.com
>> >
>> --
>> Stéphane Laurière
>> XWiki – https://xwiki.com

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