
I'm looking into embedding parts of the Dia code into one of my own
applications (mainly for drawing very simple diagrams with predefined
symbols), and if it can contribute to the improvement of Dia itself
that's just a bonus for everyone...

However, in this context of doing this, and extracting the components
I need (and as little as possible in excess of this), I'm looking for
any sources of documentation of the code structure (design), to help
me perhaps save some time getting to know the basic design ideas and

Judging from the home page and the CVS tree, such documentation (at
the programming level -- not the end-user level) seems to be scarce
at the moment. (Basically the README file and a fair amount of source
code comments.) Does any such doc exist (available) that I'm not
aware of? Some class diagrams, for instance?

I could of course "reverse-engineer" the source myself, but that seems
a bit waste of time and pointless since somebody obviously have done
some "engineering" to design the product in the first place...

(And the Dia Documentation Project's web page seems to have been down
"forever" now...)

Any pointers here?
I'm of course willing to contribute myself...

(For other reasons, not related to the Dia inclusions, I will mainly
be working under Win32 on this project, and with MFC as well...)


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