At 12:04 15.04.01 -0500, Lars Clausen wrote:
>On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
>> Le dim, avr 15, 2001, à 10:16:30 -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:
>>> I agree on this; aiming for a fast semi-stable release would give us
>>> time to then do the more serious improvements (better fonts, standard
>>> properties, etc) and work (slowly) towards a 1.0 release.  I prefer to
>>> have a quality last version out while while we do major reconstructions.
>>> Maybe we should call it 0.90 just to mark its emphasis on stability?
>> For the version beyond 0.87, probably. I second this.
>> By the way, has anyone got news of James recently ?
>Nope, nary a word.  Until we do, we should just compile a list of what we
>want from 0.87.  
My main point: Do it now. There will always be a next release and hopefully
the next one wouldn't take as long as 0.87 ...

We only shouldn't make the 0.87 if there are real showstopper bugs we know
of. IMHO internal design improvements - as listed below - could wait for
0.88 as well.


>My main points:
>Translate all simple properties dialogs into standard properties.
>Use auto-generated defaults dialogs where possible.
>Correct bounding boxes for all elements.
>If somebody can figure out how to do the postscript:
>  Real font support.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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