Dag Wieers a écrit :

> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Claus Sørensen - Chairman of KLID wrote:
> > Why don't you then make a tar.gz file of it and call it
> > beta-something?
> I do.
> > Or even better make rpm's and dep's for the
> > different distributions.
> I can send you RPM's if you like.
> BTW CVS is for normal users too, check out
>         http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/
> Just do something like:
>         export CVSROOT=':pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gnome'
>         cvs -z3 checkout dia
>         mv dia dia-0.86
>         tar -cvzf dia-0.86.tar.gz dia-0.86
>         rpm -ta dia-0.86.tar.gz

Don't forget
    cvs login

And as I said earlier, I've got this error message from CVS :
        cvs [login aborted]: connect to anoncvs.gnome.org:2401 failed: Connection 
timed out

Idem for cvs -z3 ...

So I voted for the source tarball !!!!   ;-)  (cos' I need the new shape feature 
eagerly ;)


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