I completely agree with you. Why don't you make a source tarball, let's say once a 
week ???
It would be easier for all of us to D/L the source tree, cause CVS pserver isn't 
allowed for
everyone (like me)...


"Claus Sørensen - Chairman of KLID" a écrit :

> From: Dag Wieers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Claus Sørensen - Chairman of KLID wrote:
> >
> > > Couldn't you release more often so more of us
> > > can benefit for the work you have been doing
> > > since last release.
> >
> > You can always extract a version from CVS. The current CVS version is
> > rock-solid.
> Why don't you then make a tar.gz file of it and call it
> beta-something?
> CVS is not for ordinary users.
> And the last time I got a lot of errors even that I
> followed the installation guide (README).
> Or even better make rpm's and dep's for the
> different distributions.
> > Although I'm in favor of a new stable release (RH7.1 and Gnome 1.4
> > already missed ;)))
> Why not just release more often so there is
> always a new stable release that new distros
> could use (and not just Red Hat)?
> The most enjoyable greetings
> Claus Sorensen              K L I D
> Chairman               ------------------        Mobile: +45 20 94 62 34
> Noddelunden 110         Commercial Linux         Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> DK-2765 Smorum       Association of Denmark      Web:        www.klid.dk

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