I just remembered one of the things I had to "tweak" to get everything 
running: I had to create a dummy 'dia.pot' file in the 'po' 
subdirectory, or the compilation step failed with make complaining about 
having no rule to create it.

I'm beginning to think that my workstation is braindamaged, and that RH 
and Ximian are to blame...it's about time to go back to Potato...

Lennon Day-Reynolds wrote:

> Well, after some tweaking of it, I did get the tarball to compile and 
> install correctly; I copied gtkcons.py to python-startup.py as a test 
> replacement, and it works fine, as well. The only problem I'm having 
> now is that I can't get the sheet for my custom plugin to appear in 
> the drop-down list in the master tool window, which is very odd. The 
> plugin worked under 0.86, and under the CVS version circa ~48-72 hours 
> ago, but now, nothing.
> The diagnosis marches on, though; I should be able to let you know 
> some more details once I've had more time to shake down the install.
> Lennon Day-Reynolds
> James Henstridge wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Lennon Day-Reynolds wrote:
>>> I'm not sure where it *supposed* to come from, but I was able to get a
>>> copy of python.m4 (the Automake macro for Python configuration options)
>>> from the CVS version of Ammonite. I've attached it in case anyone else
>>> is having problems -- drop it in your aclocal directory ('aclocal
>>> --print-ac-dir' for the uncertain).
>>> I'm still having problems with the build on RH7, but am working through
>>> them; on SuSE 7, though, the newest CVS version absolutely refuses to
>>> compile -- something to do with their screwy placement of all the GNOME
>>> core libraries and apps, I think.
>> I have no idea why you are seeing this problem.  The macro is in
>> acinclude.m4, so should get coppied into aclocal.m4 and get used.
>> The AM_PATH_PYTHON macro in CVS automake sucks, which is why I made the
>> modified AM_PATH_PYTHON_JH macro (the changes are being fed upstream),
>> which says it provides AM_PATH_PYTHON, so the other macros should use 
>> it.
>> I don't know what is causing the problems for you.
>> Does the tarball release work okay? (other than the missing
>> python-startup.py problem :(
>> James.

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