James Henstridge wrote:
Okay, now I feel stupid -- I changed the prefix name for all of the 
object types included in the plugin, and forgot to update the sheet 
file, so it was looking for non-existant object names.


Lennon Day-Reynolds

>On Thu, 10 May 2001, Lennon Day-Reynolds wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a reason why custom sheets wouldn't load with the
>>0.87 release? I had a plugin working with 0.86, and the two-day-old CVS
>>version, and now, I can't get my custom sheet to show up in the toolbar.
>>I'm supposed to demo this plugin soon, and I'm starting to get nervous.
>>Any suggestions?
>The XML namespace for the SVG portion of custom objects has been changed
>to the W3C's final recommendation.  Change occurences of
>with http://www.w3.org/2000/svg

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