At 21:29 14.05.01 +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
>Le lun, mai 14, 2001, à 08:37:14 +0200, Steffen Macke a écrit:
>> Once again, it's build from Hans' dia Win32 version. It would
>> be nice if someone could test it before the 'official' announcement.
>Some little problems w.r.t WMF export and SADT arrows (draw an arrow with
>four segments, so that it more or less has a rectangle shape (with rounded
>corners). Export into WMF. Import into word. Some arcs won't be correctly
>computed (saw that in the few dozen seconds I had to check, at work. Will do
>further characterisation, if needed).
Are these new problems? Patches are accepted :-)

>Localisation problems of the installer of 0.86 days are gone (it doesn't try
>to install into non-translated symlink folder anymore). Single issue, how
>does one use the translations with a gtk-win32 program ? I think I've tried
>LC_ALL and LANG, but this didn't work (will check better tomorrow).
IMO the 'normal' way, but there is no localized version of Dia for win32
(that I know of) because I see no need to spend my spare time on
using/providing translations which mostly are less useful than the original
anyway. Again: patches accepted.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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