Gee...Steve - what caused the jump from my comment that students and attendees would be more informed if in advance of their time in the classroom, or the lecture hall, they viewed the lecture to a contention (by me? by someone else?) that "technology" is the silver bullet for all the ills in the classroom.

Perhaps the lady doth protest too much?

At 4:00 PM -0800 2/7/05, Steve Eskow wrote:
John Hibbs asks if a technologized alternative to the traditional lecture
would enable students "to learn more", and suggests an answer:

<<Would the students (attendees) have learned more if they had
listened, in advance, to the lecture at a time convenient to them? Or
if they had read the text commentary and looked at the links provided
- all well in advance of the physical meeting place?

The search for technological fixes for education is of course as old as
Socrates who used an early version of Power Point to help the slave boy
learn the Pythagorean theorem.

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