WHY do they hold these meetings in Geneva?  Why don't they hold them in the
REAL world, say....Nigeria or (dare I say it) Appalacia or Indian
in the South West of the United States?  Or maybe inner-city Chicago...the
Digital Divide is not an "African thing".

ac: Amazingly, no one here at the Prepcom seems to be aware of the report.
I mentioned it during the morning civil society plenary, and the reaction
was a lot of very confused, very angry faces. There's a new UNCTAD report
circulating here that says that the digital divide is being bridged
"slowly," which is quite different from the wham-bam, just-add-water
solution that seems to be suggested by the Reuters article.

We've just finished the civil society statements in the plenary, so I'm
going to go on a scavenger hunt and see if I can track down this report. As
soon as I find it, I'll post a summary.


andy carvin
acarvin at edc -dot- org

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