Charlie, et. al.,

> As to Steve's point, however, I think the bill is quite clear:
> "neither any State or local government, nor any entity affiliated with
> a government, shall provide any telecommunications, telecommunications
> service, information service, or cable service in any geographic area
> the jurisdiction of such government in which a corporation or other
> entity that is not affiliated with any State or local government is
> a substantially similar service."
> I read this as: don't offer a service in an area where the private sector
> already offering a service.  Is it an impossible stretch of the
> to say that where private companies are NOT offering a service that the
> government MAY do so?  Do others disagree?
This is deja vu "all over again".

Here's the thing. The telcos *say* they are offering the service. But guess
what? They offer it...BUT YOU CAN'T GET IT! hahaha! The joke is on us! This
is *so* similar to 10-15 years ago when the baby Bells were saying all they
needed were a few billion in tax breaks and they would have fiber to the
home in 4 years. Well, they got the breaks, worth billions, and never
delivered the fiber. Oops! I am sure that was just some little oversight.
They *meant* to provide fiber...they just forgot!

Well, with so much going on in the telecom business, you can certainly
understand how THAT could happen! This is no different. Of COURSE they are
"offering" wireless *just about everywhere*. they can show you their plans.
They put it in their long-range work plan, fer gosh sakes. Just like they
are "offering" DSL in Charlotte, NC, where I live. But why can't I get DSL
from BellSouth? Oh, they offer it in their service district, but just not my
PART of the service district (lata).

That is telecom-speak. Always has been. If you believe anything else for
longer than a New York minute, then please contact me about my "near the
high water line" property.

My $0.15

Steve Snow

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