Perhaps throwing out seeds isn't random, but directed...if the idea is to saturate the plain with seeds, then the seed-scattering is far from random. Secondly, what good is water and scarecrows without those seeds? These are considerations that must be addressed *along* with the need for scattering seeds. They all work together to produce a tree. Focusing on one to the exclusion of all other considerations is as ineffective as pointing to these other concerns as reasons not to address any one concern.


Dave A. Chakrabarti
Projects Coordinator
CTCNet Chicago
(708) 919 1026

Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:
Patricia Perkins -- Terry King's analogy about seeds
Telecenters is not just the idea of sow seeds, but actually is practical way of looking at what IS possible in certain environment. I would think it is more appropriate to think of telecenters as as 'bed' for germinations? Where cares and supports are readily available? Giving away a lap-top to every child in this world without the basic elements to support them, is just like THROWing seeds out randomly and PRAY there will be rain, and there will not be hungry birds nearby ... ??? Cindy


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