Dear Cindy,

Thank you for your mail.
For those familiar with the world of resourcing projects, funds do not come
out of charity unless the organisation is in the business of charity.
Negroponte is not in the business of charity. He managed to raise funds for
creating Media Lab and sits on the Boards of Motorola and the likes but even
that does not give him resources unless an idea is appealing enough to the

All these ideas are competing for resources. And just because some of us
feel otherwise, investors will not change their mind. If they see merit in
it from the point of view of what they are maximising, they will go for it.

Just because you may have 100 times more than the average poor in the
developing world does not mean that you give 99 people what you have equally
and become like them. That will most likely impact your ability to have what
you do indeed have now. Similarly, just because there are poor and starving
people does not mean that those who are living just the opposite way, in
opulence, start sharing it.

That is where the issue gets muddled. If you are talking about Darfur in the
same breath, we are likely having a very different conversation here. Just
because the world may not invest in the laptop for the poor will not mean
that the starving will get money. It may just mean that some more people may
get bombed in Iraq and some of us may spend billions of dollars on that

I would urge to keep a discussion focused rather than bring in all that we
want to bear upon that.


On 11/29/05, Cindy Lemcke-Hoong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Jha,
> You said :: In the case of $100 laptop the poor
> do not have to realy pay for it. Someone else
> is planninbg it for them, someone else is
> organising it and its coming out of funds that
> have been generated for the project ...
> PRAY can you tell me where the funding would be
> coming from? MIT, Nicholas Negroponte, OR tax-payers
> the world over? (of course donations)
> I find it very difficult to accept when anyone talks about
> funding in this careless tone.
> If money is readily available, when then Negroponte
> has to use UN secreatry to help PUSH his product? He should
> have funding to give away his 100$ lap-tops, I would assume?
> WHAT we GIVE to Peter, John would END up receiving
> less ... There are only SO MUCH money to go around.
> IF funding is so readily available, when then do we still
> have problems feeding the starving in Niger, in Darfur, the
> earthquakes victimes in Pakistan ...?
> Cindy
> =============
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Satish Jha
Special Adviser, Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in ICTs
Principal Adviser, vMoksha Technologies
Co-Chair, Economic Opportunities Commission, WITFOR
Management Consultant - Technology Strategy, Management and Program/Project
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