Great post, Tom. Some additions.

Tom Brough wrote:
Much that I hate to open old wounds, but I am compelled by my convictions to write on the subject of proprietary vs free software.

I think the arguments put forward before have missed some key points.

Firstly Im not interested in my os is better / faster / more stable / less buggy / more powerful ....... than your os arguments. For one thing these arguments are a pointless waste of time that polarize and paralyze good people who should have better things to do (see Fact 3).
Linus Torvalds is actually on record for saying something similar to this... that the user *shouldn't* have to care what OS they are using, they should be focusing on the applications they use. This mixes well with Dave's point which basically states, 'a spreadsheet is a spreadsheet is a spreadsheet'.

That employers look *specifically* for people with Microsoft Office experience is a real issue and cannot be ignored either - but if you can use, as Dave points out, you can use Microsoft Office - and vice versa. One of these packages can be used on all major operating systems. One cannot. So Human Resource departments (oh, how I detest that name) are working off of what can certify someone on a piece of software. There's no certification for where some Human Resource Interviewer can say, "Are you certified in OpenOffice?". A certification for has been batted around like a seal between two killer whales, but nobody has bitten yet. At the back of it all, I am left to wonder why there's a certification at all... one of my cousins was doing a Microsoft certification for MS Office, and... strangely... I showed him how to do a lot of it. I'm not certified in Microsoft Office. He is, now. So all things being equal, we can do similar tasks within Microsoft Office, but at an interview he has a piece of paper and I don't. I always find that amusing.

Then there's another aspect we have to look at: interoperability. If the machines were not connected to each other on a network, this wouldn't matter. And if all machines ran the same operating system, this wouldn't matter. However, neither of these are true, so interoperability is an issue. And interoperability depends on stability and compatible software as well as other things. So that becomes an interesting thing to consider and one could spend years doing so with no real conclusions.

My problem with most of these arguments is that they don't have much of a real basis. More or less bugs doesn't matter, it's the 'quality' of the bugs and how fast they are addressed... It's not about faster, it's about which is more stable. And stability depends on the software being used. So I tend to stay out of those 'discussions' because in the end, they make no sense. They do, however, keep a lot of people busy and a few writers employed. 'Hmm. I have to write something that will gain interest. Let's drag out the old Linux vs. Windows' argument.' It just muddies the water. The proof is always in the pudding, not in statistics. :-)
What I am interested in is what ICT technology servers a community best.

We have come to a fork in the road, some will want to take one route and other will want to take another, but consider this carefully before you choose.

Fact 1: Proprietary software is written by companies with the primary goal to satisfy shareholders aspirations by increasing market share. Another way of saying they have a profit motive.

Fact 2: Free software and particularly GNU licensed software is written by programmers who (for the most part) wish to provide a better product (freely) to the community.
I have to tack on here Fact 2a:

Commercial entities also pay for Free Software/Open Source to be developed akin to Fact 1.

Fact 3: (And you may all want to shoot me down here): The DDN membership is interested primarily in providing ICT access to various and diverse communities throughout the world.

Now I (personally) see friction between 1 & 3 and harmony between 2 & 3. This is because, and it is my opinion only, proprietary software is like the fish, you can only eat it once, while Free software in the form of GNU licensed software is more like the fishing rod tool kit, because different communities need different or adaptable technologies in order to go fishing.
Well, Fact 2a is also an issue with Free Software/Open Source now. Commercial software is commercial software, regardless of the license, and the motives are the same. Profit. Nothing wrong with that.

Now you can call me a crazy old fool, BUT all the arguments about bug counts, stability, sustainability etc ... isnt going to make the slightest bit of difference to fact 1 2 or 3.
Bingo! What do I win?

Proprietary software vendors will always commit their primary focus to market share and shareholders. Free Software developers will remain committed to improving their products for the good of the community.
Free Software/Open Source software vendors also commit to their market share and shareholders. All things being equal, the market share and shareholders for the commercial entities are one and the same - at least for now.
DDN will always consist of members trying to assist bridging the digital divide, in the way they know best.

For me software that is a community owned asset is the only way to assist a community struggling to get up on the first step of the ICT ladder. Communities NEED software that they can adapt to their own needs, cultural outlooks and values. There may be bugs, there may be stability problems, but they will have the power to decide what needs fixing and what needs adapting and they will have the right and the resources to take appropriate action and ultimately contribute back to the community as a whole.

For me proprietary software has none of the attributes that encourage sustainable, independent, organic growth of ICT applications. On the contary proprietary software builds in a dependancy culture that prohibits local innovation, limits local economy growth and leads to intellectual stagnation.

And that is why I will remain an advocate for free software development.

Tom Brough
My main reasons for supporting Free Software/Open Source (FOSS), especially in the context of the digital divide, are:

(1) Teach people how to fish instead of giving them fish, so that they are independent. (2) Open Standards typically are found within Free Software/Open Source, which promotes interoperability and decrease costs by allowing input from everyone. Proprietary standards are exclusive, and are meant to standardize based on what one company or group of companies feels is right. (3) Businesses/NGOs can modify FOSS or have it modified for them even in very small markets, whereas these small markets may be unimportant to proprietary vendors. (4) A culture of openness and transparency allows rapid growth for large groups of people. A closed culture allows only a small group of people to grow at the cost of the growth of larger groups of people.

There are a few more, I'm sure.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

Always looking for contracts!



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