Daniel Keep escribió:

Ary Borenszweig wrote:
Daniel Keep escribió:
"No files in this directory."

Well that sucks.  Oh well, I... hey, wait a second...

*unblocks javascript*

"No files in this directory, but there ARE subdirectories!"

Sometimes, I really wish there was a way to electrocute people for
making their sites break without Javascript...
What? Why?

A web like that without Javascript is awfuly slow and ugly...

So... not having a scripting language would make pages run slower.


I *really* hope you're joking.

As for the "ugly" argument, that's bunk as well.  The only two things
you can't do without Javascript is to perform dynamic positioning and
visibility.  But you don't NEED those to make aesthetically pleasing
pages.  Just go look at CSS Zen Garden.

*deep breath*




Sorry about that, but MAN do I feel better.

lol :)

Yeah, well, for a directory listing they could have shown the full tree, but if it's too big then it's ugly, and browsing folder by folder (like dsource) is slow for me.

You are right in that replacing href="" with onclick="" just for a link is stupid.

But... why Javascript hurts you that much? What did it do to you?

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