I generally agree with Andrei (and he knows what he's doing, his talks are both entertaining and informative, several cuts above the usual ones I have to sit through).

I find after giving a presentation using a non-traditional format, that the non-traditional format becomes the topic of conversation, not the ideas in the presentation. It's distracting.

Some more issues:

o Since Impress is wysiwyg, I find it a lot easier to adjust things to fit on the screen. I had constant problems with the html one moving from one screen size to another.

o Impress has a one-button render as PDF, which is pretty handy.

o If you want to make handouts, print shops know how to deal with pdf. It just works, and you get good results.

o pdf renders a lot better than html. Why that should be, I don't know, but it is obviously better.

o being able to do boxes and arrows and such in Impress is much better than trying to do it in MS Paint and importing a gif.

o Of course I miss the D source code highlighting that Ddoc does.

o Impress doesn't seem to be able to do tables. Bummer.

I recently saw some ppt presentations where the presenter felt compelled to try out every single special effect ppt has. It was distracting and rather annoying, and certainly took away from his presentation. It looked like something his kid put together.

It makes one appreciate all the more a good one, like the ones Andrei and Scott Meyers put on.

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