Walter Bright wrote:

> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> For lectures I basically have a choice between two options:
>> 1. Take notes and not remember a darn thing that was said.
>> 2. Not take any notes and remember the lecture.
> Eh, I found that the physical act of taking notes tended to fix it in my
> brain. Furthermore, at Caltech there tended to be no textbook and no
> handouts, so you went by your notes. Exams were open-note, too. So
> taking good notes was indispensible.

I have the same experience. Often I took notes but discarded them later. The 
act of writing things down helps to remember and focus on the important 
things, since you are forced to be selective. It takes a bit of practice to 
be able to listen attentively and write at the same time though. Some people 
just try to write everything down frantically even if they don't understand 
it - that just doesn't help.

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