bearophile wrote:
Gareth Charnock:

I think that a single module is better. If seen fitting, some functionality can 
be moved inside other already present modules of Phobos.
The module will need a good amount of unit tests.

In the code I see no point in calling functions like:
Just call them:
Note: functions, template functions, and ctfe functions, start with a lower 
case letter (and templates generally with with an upper case).

I should probably make this private as I don't see them being generally useful.

Don't call this module and its contents matrix or vector or Vector, etc. Call 
them SmallVector, or SmallVec, SmallMat, ecc, because this lib is not designed 
to be a general purpose matrix or vector lib, it's designed for small number of 
You can call this module std.tinyarray :-)

Good idea although I'm not sure tinyarray is a good name and I wouldn't look there for vectors and matrices. std.tinylinalg comes off as a mess of letters.

alias Matrix!(float,3) matrix_t;

To define the sizes of a matrix you need two numbers:
alias Matrix!(float, 3, 5) Matrix35;

Fair enough.

//Very natural initialisation
auto m=matrix_t(1,2,0,0,1,0,0,3,1);

A 1D initialization of a matrix is not so natural :-)

It is in emacs, which will align the statement like this:
auto m=matrix_t(1,2,0,

But point taken, there needs to be other ways of initialising.

//No matter how big N, elements always have a canonical name (probably more important for matrices where the letters of the alphabet run out faster although I've only done this for vectors so far)

What's the point of giving names to matrix elements?

Ease of access, just in case you need it. Also stuff like:
vector3 translate = m.a30a31a32;
Most of the metaprograming is already done so it might as well be reused.
(Actually that's so common it could do with its own function.)

2) Set a bool. Switch between two element iteration schemes for nearly every operation (with suitable use of templates this might not be as painful as it sounds.)

The point of a transposition is sometimes to actually have data in a different 
position. With cache effects the position of data can be quite important (a 
matrix multiplication can be 2 or 3 times faster if you transpose. This is true 
for larger matrices).

Which is why using this design will increase the complexity of the code a fair bit. I'm not a fan of 2 because I'd prefer a value type. However I want to check I'm not alone (as I appear to be on the definition of * for vectors).

1) makes a new matrix
2) creates a transposed image which is forever linked to the original matrix: A=B.Transpose() => Changes to A affect B

The semantics of transpose/transposed can be like in Python: the transpose 
works in-place, transposed creates a new matrix.

Sorry, should have read A=B.Transposed() => A becomes linked to B, changes to A affect B.

Methods and properties like transpose have to start with a lowercase:
auto A = B.transposed;

I'll try to be more consistent.


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