This release seems to work, thank you.

>Bugzilla 1001: print stack trace (in debug mode) when program die<

Can you or someone else show me an example of how to activate stack tracing?

For example on Windows I have written this small program:

import std.c.stdlib: atoi;
void main() {
    int x = atoi("0.0");
    int y = 10 / x;

I compile it with:
dmd -debug test.d

If I run it it prints:
object.Error: Integer Divide by Zero

This other program gives the same output:
import std.c.stdlib: atoi;
import core.runtime;
void main() {
    Runtime.traceHandler = &defaultTraceHandler;
    int x = atoi("0.0");
    int y = 10 / x;

Is this a Linux feature only for now, as Sean says in bug 1001? If so, then the 
changelog can specify it's a linux thing only.


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