superdan Wrote:

> == Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article

> > Is there some other reason to use structs besides copy construction?
> > -Steve
> memory management n shit. with a struct u can use refcounting n malloc n 
> realloc n
> shit. still stays a reference type. nothing gets fucked up.

This is not necessary with purely memory-based constructs -- the GC is your 
friend.  The custom allocator ability in dcollections should provide plenty of 
freedom for memory allocation schemes.

> den there's all that null ref shit. with a class u have
> void foo(container!shit poo)
> {
>     poo.addElement(Shit(diarrhea));
> }
> dat works with struct but don't work with motherfucking classes. u need to 
> write.
> void foo(container!shit poo)
> {
>     if (!poo) poo = new container!shit; // fuck dat shit
>     poo.addElement(Shit(diarrhea));
> }
> u feel me?

It doesn't work.  Just with your example, you won't get what you expect.  Try 
it with AA's.

Even your class example doesn't make any sense.


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