On 05/24/2010 10:01 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Fri, 21 May 2010 13:42:14 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 05/19/2010 08:42 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

I.e. there aren't many kinds of HashMaps that derive from each
other. But the interfaces are not detrimental to your ideas. The
only thing interfaces require is that the entities implementing
them are classes and not structs. As long as you agree that
classes are the right call, then interfaces can co-exist with
your other suggestions without interference.

This brings back a discussion I had with Walter a while ago, with
echoes in the newsgroup. Basically the conclusion was as follows:
if a container never escapes the addresses of its elements, it can
manage its own storage. That forces, however, the container to be a
struct because copying references to a class container would break
that encapsulation. I called those "perfectly encapsulated
containers" and I think they are good candidates for manual memory
management because they tend to deal in relatively large chunks.

I noticed that your collections return things by value, so they are
 good candidates for perfect encapsulation.

Then you need reference counting, I don't think that is a good


I think refcounting for containers is perfect.

Refcounting small objects is bad because the counter overhead is large.
Also, small objects tend to be created and passed around a lot, so the
time overhead is significant.

In contrast, refcounting and containers are a perfect marriage. The
container is a relatively large conglomerate of objects so refcounting
that is bound to yield good benefits in terms of memory reclamation.

Yes, if you want to define "this function needs something that
is both addable and purgeable, I don't have an interface for
that. But a concept can certainly define that generically (which
is what you want anyways), or you could just say "I need a List"
and get those functions also. It also does not force entities
other than dcollections objects to be classes, they could be
structs and implement the correct concepts.

I myself don't really use the interface aspect of the classes, it
is mostly a carryover from the Java/Tango inspirations.

I don't know Tango, but Java's containers are a terrible example to
 follow. Java's container library is a ill-advised design on top of
an underpowered language, patched later with some half-understood
seeming of genericity. I think Java containers are a huge
disservice to the programming community because they foster bad

Java has some warts as you have rightfully pointed out in the past
(i.e. O(n) lookup), but I have attempted to remove all those warts.
Dcollections I would hope does not suffer from the problems that
Java's collections suffer from.

That's great. But let me quote what you said: "I myself don't really use
the interface aspect of the classes, it is mostly a carryover from the
Java/Tango inspirations." I took that to mean you don't have a strong
justification for structuring dcollections as a hierarchy, and
furthermore that makes me hope it's possible you'd be willing to yank
that dinosaur brain.

But I can see one good reason to keep them -- binary
interoperability. For example, it might be the case some day when
D has good support with dynamic libraries that a library exposes
some piece of itself as a Map or List interface.

I need to disagree with that. I've done and I do a ton of binary
interoperability stuff. You never expose a generic container
interface! Interoperable objects always embody high-level logic
that is specific to the application. They might use containers
inside, but they invariably expose high-level, application-specific

It's done all the time in Java and .NET. For example, A GUI listbox
widget exposes its elements as an array of elements, which implement
the List interface. You don't ever see the implementation or need it.
 Granted Java and .NET have less problems than C++ and D with binary
 compatibility, since the function tables are dynamic, but the
potential is there for D to make binary compatibility possible with

I see.

In the past I have built a C++ library that abstracted features of
the OS. My goal was to make it possible to dynamically load a module
that abstracted things like setting the IP address of a network
interface. My modules used std::string instead of char * to lookup
services to get objects that implement the interface. Big mistake. On
a later version of the standard C++ runtime, the private
implementation of std::string changed, so the dynamically loaded
libraries crashed horribly. No change in string's interface, just the
private stuff changed, but because it's a template, the code that
uses it necessarily has to be aware of it. We ended up ditching the
standard C++ library's version of string, and used STLPort so we
could control the library.

I envision this same sort of problem would be likely with D
collection objects that were not used via interfaces.

I see no problem retrofitting a no-interface container into a formal
interface if so needed.

So my answer is -- go ahead and define these concepts and
required names, and you can ignore the interfaces if they don't
interest you. They do not subtract from the possibilities, and
others may find good use for them.

Does that make sense?

I understand I could ignore the interfaces and call it a day, but
it seems that at this point we are both convinced they are not
quite good at anything: you only put them in because you suffered
the Stockholm syndrome with Java, and I hate them with a passion.

The reason I put them in is because they existed before, but thinking
 about what they would be useful for, D doesn't really support
dynamic libraries all that well (recent advances have brought that
closer). But once it does, I think it will be much more important to
keep compiled libraries compatible between versions of the standard
library. This is typically not possible with templates, I know C++ is
horrible at it from personal experience. So I'm not convinced it is
not quite good at anything. I think it's a solution to a problem that
doesn't exist yet on D because D's linking features are stuck in

Clearly interfaces have their advantages. I just happen to think they
are much thinner than their disadvantages for this particular case.

Why would we keep in the standard library bad design with the
advice that "if you don't like it ignore it"?

People have continuously used that argument against const and
immutable. Really that argument is fine, as long as you don't
consider it bad design, which I don't :)

Looks like we're heading straight to stalemate once again.

In the interest of time, it would be better to get to stalemate (or, hopefully, agreement) so we know whether dcollections will be integrated within Phobos or whether I should spend this and next weeks' evenings coding. To that end, please let me know whether it's worth that I spend time on putting together a list of proposed changes.


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