On 05/21/2010 09:14 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Second, since reference types are the right thing to do, classes are much 
easier to deal with.  I know AA's are reference types that are structs, but the 
code needed to perform this feat is not trivial.  The AA has only one member, a 
reference to the data struct, which is allocated on the heap.  Any member 
function/property that is used on the AA must first check whether the 
implementation is allocated yet.  The only benefit this gives you IMO is not 
having to use 'new' on it.  And even that has some drawbacks.  For example, 
pass an empty AA by value to a function, and if that function adds any data to 
it, it is lost.  But pass an AA by value with one element in it, and the new 
data sticks.  A class gives you much more in terms of options -- interfaces, 
builtin synchronization, runtime comparison, etc.  And it forces full reference 
semantics by default.  I think regardless of whether interfaces are defined for 
dcollections, classes give a better set of options than structs.

Wow. A partially-nullable type.

Great. Now I have to review everywhere I ever used an AA. Thanks, D.

is there any serious drawback to something like

(int[int]).init = InitializedAA!(int,int)


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