On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 13:42:32 -0500, bearophile <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:


I've done some major updating of my Plot2kill plotting library lately,

I see code that wants named arguments :-)

65          auto sleepinessFig = Figure(sleepinessPlot)
66              .title("Sleepiness Survey")
67              .yLabel("Sleepiness Rating")
68              .xLabel("Activity")
69              .legendLocation(LegendLocation.right)
70              .horizontalGrid(true)
71              .xTickLabels(
72                  iota(3),
73                  ["In Meeting", "On Phone", "Coding"]
74              );


Why? Each of those arguments should be able to be set after creation. So given DRY principals, method chaining is the way to go. Besides, Figure takes a variable number of plot arguments, which means you couldn't support default arguments (at least with the current syntax).

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