On 4/12/11 12:56 AM, David wrote:
Am 04.12.2011 01:38, schrieb dsimcha:
I don't know much about computer graphics but I take it that a sane
design for a matrix/vector library geared towards graphics is completely
different from one geared towards general numerics/scientific computing?
I'm trying to understand whether SciD (which uses BLAS/LAPACK and
expression templates) overlaps with this at all.
klickverbot dav1d: Just to clear up the confusion, scientific linear
algebra stuff is a completely different beast than game math. Games is
fast 4x4 matrices, numerics is intricate algorithms for 1000x1000
matrices (read: larger than you ever need in gamedev, even when your
game uses string theory)

klickverbot dav1d: I don't know gl3n specifically, but trust me, no
gaming linear algebra lib is ever going to be a viable choice for
science-y things and vice versa

klickverbot dav1d: I mean, a gaming lib would e.g. never have LU,
Cholesky, and all other different kinds of decomposition algorithms

Well, I don't know a lot about this topic (scientific linear algebra),
but it seems that they have different aims.

That's right. Game maths revolves around small vectors and matrices, typically never above 4x4.

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